
OJSC "Uralenergoremont"
OJSC "Uralenergoremont" is a specialized enterprise reconstructing and repairing any power equipment and electrical equipment of power plants, heat and electric networks in Russia , in the Commonwealth of Independent States, foreign countries, it performs preventive maintenance, repair, mounting and setting of all power equipment with any power and complexity.

HCKB Energoprogress LLC "Kotlobumprom"
Through the whole period of its activity Kharkov CKB specializes in engineering for basic and additional boiler-and-turbine equipment and for steam and hot water conduits of thermal plants, TPP, industrial enterprises and heat supply station.

CJSC "Energoremnaladka"
CJSC "ENERGOREMNALADKA" provides a spectrum of services and works at the territory of Russia, CIS and foreign countries connected with:
mounting, repair, reconstruction and modifications of power equipment (turbines, generators, pumps, compressors, fans, smoke exhausters, blast-engines, heat-exchangers) with the necessary provision with spare parts.
CJSC "ENERGOREMNALADKA" pays a priority attention to service maintenance of power equipment.